Shoot for the moon, you may end up with no results at all!

Originally, I had a humongous, way too ambitious plan for my first participatory PyWeek.

My game was going to be a combination of three different kinds of game-play:
  1. Area 51/House of the Dead/Time Crisis style fixed-vantage FPS
  2. TMNT style side-scroller
  3. Topdown adventure
The player would switch between these kinds of game-play at specific points in the investigation of different rooms in the laboratory building GONE MAD.

But, seeing as I'm starting three days late, I decided to pick the hardest of those three to do by itself - the fixed-vantage FPS.

It wouldn't be so difficult to do if I knew my way around a 3D modeling program and had decent texturing skills, but I have neither. So I'm doing limited 3D room animations, one murderous frame at a time, in GIMP. I just finished the first room for the opening level, and it took about 3 hours for 7 frames of 800*600 each. Wow.

Hopefully this will get faster as I warm-up to the process and figure out more efficient ways of doing things, but we will see! It's possible this idea will get ditched totally and I'll go with one of the other styles previously mentioned.

The story so far: happiness-inducing and succubi-like smiley faces have been let loose in the labs, and it's your job as the only one more immune to their acts of cuteness to clean up this mess.