Day Three - Panic and Ideas

Okay - starting to panic a bit now as we head towards halfway. Today was always going to be the worst day for getting code written. Spent my lunch doing a mind map of remaining tasks. Then I had to go buy a bike before getting coding late evening. Still I got some text messages working, components on the map (see grey box in screenshot!). Also made the map hide unvisited areas and optimised the world creation code. Maybe not too bad a night for progress.

Wrote on plan 'Keep it simple and complete'. Would be nice to spend more time on palettes and light shading but alas priorities are aligned elsewhere. Tomorrow we meet the bad guys!

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I like the way you generate the trees,
I will check ur code next week, good luck :)
Cheers - you can check out the tree code here: 

I modified it a bit to alter the angles and add the colours.

Cheers - you can check out the tree code here: 

I modified it a bit to alter the angles and add the colours.

thanks & good luck :)