My Game Idea

Taking a cue from gizmo_thunder, I've decided to come up with an idea that incorporates all of the themes.

The player takes the role of one Victoria Lynn Plenning, an eleven-year old vampire. In fact, the game takes place on Victoria's eleventh birthday. Victoria's best friend Bethany is holding a party for her complete with a lovely blood cake!

On the way to the party Victoria is attacked by a big dog (canine) belonging to a local man who keeps it as a way of saying "get off my lawn!" (Okay, that one's from two compos ago, but still...)
(For reference, the dog's name is Reginald)

Victoria isn't completely helpless, though. She knows a bit of magic. Her magic is powered by the natural energies of the faerie roses that helpful spirits sometimes drop for those in need.

Victoria is a lover of machines, and her friend Benjamin had stopped by her house earlier that night to give her his present before the party. His present was a finely made steel screwdriver. Victoria can use this to fend off nasties, though it won't do her much good against Reginald.

Also complicating matters are the unsavory sorts that populate the streets at night when most humans are asleep. While there are thugs, they mostly leave children alone. There are also vampire hunters (Who, since vampires are accepted by civilized countries like *mumblemumble*, are violent criminals)
The biggest threats are those drunken sinners who populate the brothels and whore houses in the night. These hoodlums stugger around, wibbly-wobbly drunk, and make up the biggest threat to Victoria's well-being save for Reginald. (Okay, that one's a bit of a stretch, but work with me!)

Thankfully, there are also police officers who will gladly deal with any nasties they see acting up. They don't much mind Victoria trashing the scoundrels, since anyone who would pick on a young girl has it coming to them.

Upon reaching Bethany's house, Victoria will be greeted by her friends and that lovely blood cake! (Ick...)

Erm... Let's see...

I think I've got my game! Yeah!
