The Road to PyWeek - Having Hit Inkscape with a Hammer...

I think I've got all the drama out of my system now, so I've given the problem some rational thought.

I spent a bit of time hitting the SVG Output preferences in Inkscape with a hammer, and, having failed that, gave up for a while.

Then, I started anew, thinking that I could step back in and get this beast to work. Apparently, Inkscape applies new output preferences fully only to new files, or so it seems.

So... Well, I got the stupid thing to work.

With that, I'm hoping to have something basically playable by the end of Saturday. (This is allowing time for problems with Pymunk, problems making Squirtle paths into Pymunk polygons, and problems getting the player to control correctly)

I need to stop trying to solve technical problems early in the morning...
