A Super Effective Production

I have to say: I'm really pleased with what we've produced this time. I feel like it's been a very long week but we've got some excellent results. So I present to you the fourth Super Effective PyWeek production, Happy Insect Garden.

Happy Insect Garden is a bizarre style of defender game featuring:

To whet your appetite, just look at the following screenshots:

Then download the final version here.

To people who might have tried to play the game while I was writing this post, there was a bug that prevented the first level from being possible. Please play the current version, thank you. :-)

If you have problems with the game please tell us either below or on #pyweek (find Membury or mewo2) or by e-mailing insect-garden@supereffective.org.

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There was a problem on Windows, somehow our only Windows dev machine had a broken pyglet install which fixed a bug... Crazy how that happens. New version fixes it.
Entry works, just not playable without some hacking. So, in the game starts off with Hunnysuckle costing 100 compost when you have to have 50 compost to play. I got around this by editing the plant.py file and updating the starting value. A minor bug. The game is awesome when you get round this though!! Good works guys.
htormey: Yes, that's the bug which Chard mentioned in the original post, and which is now fixed in the version currently available (you now start with 100 compost, rather than 50).
Cool! I have to say I think this is the best entry I have played so far, I am studying the code right now for stuff to steal ;) Great job guys!
I concur - this entry definitely had the most polish of the ones I've seen. Good work!