Day 6 - Nearly Done :D

So... Day 6 is over, Day 7 began and we are on track... probably.

Most of our game is already done (Well, basic gameplay was established after the first day ;)) and we are quite happy with this as I had to go to work and Serval had to go to university during the week.
So this was the first time where both of us only had less than a half day per workday to work on this game. - And still I think we got quite a nice thing together here.

Instead of explaining all the stuff surrounding the game I will just briefly announce that this game is a "classical" Zombie-Survival-Game with simple graphics and a bit complexity (to increase replayability).
For more information, please refer to our (just completed) in-game help screen below: :)

So, we are on track and apart from implementing the Soundfiles, creating some Music and implementing a "special" (read: "hidden") game-mode, everything is done [maybe some polishing here and there] - One day left and it looks like we might finish... this time :)