Day 2

We have our first screenshot! Woo \o/. What you see is a draft of our main character grabing a vine.

The game idea will be to climb up a rope(string) as high as you can. There will be different kind of obstacles that try to stop you from reaching the top. We've progressed pretty well so far although we've had some obstacles of our own (school, work and other useless stuff like that).

We're probably have a better screenshot tomorrow when we've implemented some key features. Then you'll get a better idea of our game.

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Interesting idea! I also played with that one. I still own a Watch&Game cristal screen called "Climber", where a guy had to, obviously, climb. It was one of my favourites :D And there's also "Rainbow islands". In both of them you jumped (or walked over rainbows) Your entry should be fun!. I'm looking forward to try it!