Day 4 - Half of PyWeek is over

So - where do we stand now?

I was able to create two new characters with simple animation (those of you who tested our PyWeek 4 Entry might already know those two fellows). Also I generated a lot of levels today (about 17) and I will try to complete up to 13 additional levels until before naptime ;o)

Serval improved level loading, items in the interface and also added some new things to the interface. The game looks quite good now, but sadly up to now we just did limited tests on gameplay - so we will need to devote some hours in the future for testing the game to it's heart [I have the fair that the game might be too complex in it's kind)...

Left ToDo's for the rest of this week:
- Intro-Screen
- various images in various sizes (still there, maybe I do it tomorrow - I should work on it on Friday)
- help-screen(s)
- Messageboxes for Tutorial & Story

- Implementing Splash-Screen with functions
- Implementing Feedback-Console
- Defining/Creating Routine for Level Condition Checking
- some smaller issues (polishing)

- Writing Dialogues/Story
- Music (? - have to see how much time we have at the end)
- Sounds
- Some more Levels (have a good bunch, but some more would not hurt)

Fortunately, I am allowed to post a bigger image/screenshot this time, revealing some more of our upcoming PyWeek entry - unfortunately, I was not allowed to post the whole screenshot, but only a cut-out piece. ;(
So please enjoy!