Day 2 - Little progress was done

So, Day 2 is over; let's just wrap up the important things:

Done in Art:
- A lot of tiles for levels
- Images/Animations of C.A.T.B.O.T.

Done in Code:
- Implemented the interface/button graphics
- Convinced C.A.T.B.O.T. to actually move

Remaining ToDos:

- Title Screen
- Splash Screen
- Help Screen
- some additional buttons (about 4)
- more images of various sizes

- Implementing some new items to the interface
- Loading Levels
- Checking for level conditions
- Implementing Collision detection

- Music (? Still under discussion)
- Sounds
- Story/Dialogues
- Levels (4-15)

So as you can see not much has changed since yesterday - Gameplay is still completely missing, but hey: we nearly completed the whole interface and I (as non-programmer-but-artist) expect that implementing the gameplay should not be *that* hard within the next 5 days.

And after all, we still were able to create C.A.T.B.O.T. XD