First Screenshot

New check in. Robot moves. Game can randomly create basic level content for testing. The art is currently in weird sizes, so I scaled all the things I need down to 20×20. Will work this out with the crew later. Still haven’t solved the lamina.clear problem for the timer — what the hell. It seems like it just isn’t fast enough to be used in a realtime app. Sigh - now I have to find an openGL gui solution. Maybe there is something I can do to finagle the openGL and sprites and get a hacked out solution. Another option might be to somehow make rabbyt do the clearing for me, as it’s clears are absolutely fine. Anyway, here is the first screenshot. The robot looks just like a drum, so you probably can’t tell where it is, but trust me, it’s there. This is a randomly generated level, and the bot can’t actually interact with it yet, so it just drives around. Also, you can see that something is ‘off’ since only the top wall is there. I suspect I’ve calculated something wrong and the other walls are off screen.