Mega post:part 1: some history.

Hello all, I felt like just dumping my brain onto the intertubes in one colossal post. It actually got so big that I'm going to have to split it into parts.

Some of you may not know me. That's unfortunate. But seriously, I've managed to participate in 3 of the 5 pyweeks and have developed a silly graphical style.

It started with my first entry. I was new to python, new to pygame, new to everything really. I figured I didn't need graphics or fonts or sounds. I needed a game. This is what I made:

Sweet right? I did decently for what it was despite having barely any levels because of some coding issues. And even though just the game skeleton was there, flying around was a ton of fun. I had named the general entry awesome block game because ti was an awesome block game.

Well, the next pyweek I missed I think. So after that one I was able to compete again. I liked the minimalist look of my previous game so I decided to follow with it. I got better physics, a menu and some more complex graphics. All still using pygame.draw. (I cheated with the story page; antialised text crashed the game, so I just made a text filled sprite.)

People didn't like it. It was nicer but there were issues. It was hard, counterintuitive, weird, and one dimensional. Oh well. Same protagonist, worse game at it's core(with a shiny candy coating). I tried right?

Third time is the charm or so the cliche says. The theme was twisted and I was tired of coding collision response. So, I made a shmup and expermented with having the stage twist(rotate really, leave me alone.) one of my first things had it so instead of just rotating the viewpoint that all the enemies would rotate but keep their absolute trajectory. It was a strange vortex of death.

I decided to go with a stable level that rotated in reference to the viewpoint with relative controls. This game the game it's uniqueness and challenge. Some people hated, some people loved it, some one beat it. I haven't beaten it, the fourth level is that hard.

There are only four levels and no more are needed. The first level just has a slowly growing swarm of dumb bots which give the player a chance to get adjusted to the game. The levels grow hard and harder with the last one ending with replicators, they fill the whole screen and move in all 4 directions. It's crazy.

I got 7th place and was rather happy. I felt I had made a polished game that was some decent fun.

Well you do something three times, it becomes a tradition so I'm doing it again this pyweek.I wanted to upgrade the graphics with opengl but keep the same style. Unfortunately I've had some installing issues. even if I did get it to work, I can't learn opengl in its entirety from a cold start.

Int the meantime you guys can play ABG REMIX! It was something I was working on a few months ago. Basically, I wanted to redo the code for my first pyweek game to make it nicer and easier to edit. So that means no scrolling or parallax. I also wanted one menu I could launch all of my games from.

Give it a shot and if someone beats all of the few levels and wants more, I'll make at least 8 more before pyweek starts. It's hard to get motivated for these things when you have no idea if anyone will play them. I could probably make it really good but there always seems to be something better to be doing.


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I think I've played a version of your ABG REMIX! game before on the last Pyweek, and I've just played it again now. I've beat all levels, but if you want my opinion I think you should invest your time in another game rather than creating more levels to this game. Unless you have some nice ideas for new features for this game, it feels like any new level will tend to be the same as the current ones and not add much to the game.

And I remember to have beaten your shoot'em up. The trick is to find a safe spot where the blue squares won't touch you if you stand still. :)
Your first block game was my favorite :) I've also played your ABG REMIX! game :) Very cool.