image of title screen for James Wobble

James Wobble

James Wobble | Professional Perl Collector

James Wobble had always led a seemingly simple life, until Sunday April the fourth 2010. Welcome to the future, 2010 has arrived and we are now living in the promises that were made in the 70s and early 80s.

As you begin to launch Perls at James' head he takes on a new role: Professional Perl Collector.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 2.6
Fun: 2.1
Production: 2.9
Innovation: 2.9

6% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 14


File Uploader Date
image of title screen for James Wobble
jtrain 2010/04/03 23:24
Windows Executable Version only
jtrain 2010/04/03 23:18
Source Code Final
jtrain 2010/04/03 23:07

Diary Entries

James Wobble | Professional Perl Collector

I had a great time making this game. Thanks to Richard for running this event.

Looking forward to playing all the games. :)

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