PyWeek - Random Team - feedback

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 4


This game is good however the game kinda gets boring quickly there is not much to do than to repeat the same thing over and over and over not to mention the trader crashes the game still this game is mostly good those two things leave a bad taste in my mouth though

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 4


No sound nor music. Menus and extras working.

Fun 4 Prod 4 Inno 3


Nice game! Good job!

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 4


This game was mostly fine but it defiantly had a lot of bugs

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 3


It was a pretty fun experience whiole it lasted: I liked the graphics: I feel like it could do with a bit of sound or music. The game crashed on me on the merchant because I don't have TKinter installed (and have trouble installing it on my system). Thanks for the game!

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


give me more ammo :D

more chects could have something and spawn killing is not very nice

does not work on linux: game crashes when it opens dialog window like "you sure u want to buy"

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


Nice game, really like the artstyle
Was really impressed you had the time to implement an inventory

I kept dying to the big wolves orz

SFX would have elevated the game to another level

Fun 2 Prod 3 Inno 4


I really liked the Idea of it being roguelike but it's broken in many ways.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


Well made from a graphics point of view. The level setup may not always been the best, looking at treasure chests wasn't that easy with enemies running around giving you almost no time to loot them, if there even were things in them. Maybe it was bad luck but I had plenty of them being empty.
Also, I missed some audio feedback, no music, no soundeffects. Would have been added a lot.
The tutorial was a nice addition, just the text could have been placed a little higher to stand out from the inventory a bit more, seeing it has actually changed.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 2


Attractive, and functional as a game. But there was no variety. Every enemy encounter is just: you face off and shoot at them, and occasionally they lob something at you.

I kept finding empty chests, and on the second planet I couldn't find my store guy. So as a "find resources to stay alive" game it was kind of a drag. It would have been more fun if the aliens dropped money / ammo--then, at least, the more aliens you fought, the more stuff you'd have to fight aliens with.

The buying stuff interface was clumsy. The first time I tried to buy something, I thought the game had crashed--actually Linux told me it *had* crashed. Then I noticed the "Would you like to buy 10 bullets for 50 credits" modal dialog box, way over on the other side of the screen. I hadn't noticed it because I was concentrating on the game. So, it worked, but that was clunky.

The inventory interface was also clunky. The drag and drop was nice, but if the game literally doesn't have enough items that you have to manage your inventory, it seems unnecessary. Meanwhile, it was clumsy to use.

So clumsy, I never managed to use my bomb. I never opened the inventory during a firefight, because I was too busy shooting. So the only times I opened the inventory, I didn't have anything to hit with the bomb. Would have been nice to have a secondary weapon slot.

Why would you ever leave ammo in your inventory? Shouldn't you just put it in your gun immediately?

p.s. how is this an open world game? There's nowhere to go, and nothing to do when you get there.

Fun 2 Prod 2 Inno 3


The tutorial is very well made. That is to say, I loved the tutorial -- quick and to the point!

The "overlays" (box, inventory, seller) could have some semi-transparent background to be a bit separated from the rest of the game view.

The message boxes could have been done in-game, it's a bit weird that the message boxes stick out like that (e.g. "Not enough money"). Same for the "Do you want to buy X for Y?" dialogs - those could also be done in-game?

Only being able to shoot horizontally makes the game quite tricky, especially since enemies can shoot in multiple directions.

Opening a treasure chest could just pick up all items at once for you automatically instead of having to click the item and "take" it?

Little/no visual indication that one is hit and from which direction. One quickly dies.

Killed enemies could drop items? Ran out of ammo :/

Ammo in the inventory could be auto-equipped (or is it?).

Clicking outside the inventory/chest/seller screen could auto-close it (having to press "E" or "Escape" instead), right now I can exit the inventory and a chest with "E", but exiting the store with "E" doesn't work, one must press "Escape".

Sounds would have been nice and could add a lot of depth into the game.

Before dying, the game could offer that you drink a health potion or something.

The particle effects are nice!

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


this is pretty cool. I also thought it was like Minecraft. But Minecraft doesn't have guns. Maybe this game would be even better if there were things like armour or the ability to rotate the player since you can only shoot to the right and left right now.