a first screenshot from team pyar

Grossini's Vacations: "Ritmus Locus"

This time, Grossini will take a rest.
He was very busy recently in Europython
Members: andrea, bob, facundobatista, javierb, javimarquevichi, Karucha, laura_glow, leito, lucio, marcos, matias, nrm, nubis, oxi, pabloz, riq, shanpuu, tenuki and alecu


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.6
Fun: 3
Production: 4.0
Innovation: 3.8

13% respondents marked the game as not working.
0% of respondents wished to disqualify the entry.
Respondents: 26


File Uploader Date
ritmuslocus-0.3b final
lucio 2007/09/09 19:46
a first screenshot from team pyar
lucio 2007/09/08 09:23

Diary Entries

First Planning Session

Last Sunday we held our planning session at Leito's place, in Buenos Aires. We started brainstorming ideas for games that would fit some of the 5 themes.
From First planning session


To all reviewers...

We accidentally left out the name of "Nubis", one of our main developers in the uploaded version of our code. It was my fault, and I feel deeply embarrassed by it.

This will be fixed on the final release, but if you are so kind, please open lib/main.py and replace line 633 with:
Thank you.

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disqualify / theme

guys, i know no one ever got disqualified, but either we remove the theme from the competition, or we adhere to the theme. based on that idea, im disqualifing entries that did not follow the theme in some way.

theres still time to make me change my mind with some comments :)