PyWeek - jmm0 - feedback

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I don't know why, but I liked this! As much as this game is super short, you made me laugh when I saw
how straightforward you were with the theme, and the fact that choosing the greater of two
evils just gives you twice the infinite amount of guilt. I hope you're around next Pyweek to
actually implement a full-fledged game with this style of humor. :)

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Hmm... Whatever I do it just keeps telling me my guilt is inf and then sending me to hell 2/3 of the
time. This (I checked the code) is predetermined at the start. Is this game an argument for
Fate? This is an interesting idea which could work out well with more interactivity.

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I expected more to happen.

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Not much of a game, but pretty funny. Even funnier after I read the code. I love how you bothered
to make the greater of two evils 2 * inf and actually keep track of the player guilt.

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For the 30 seconds it took to play the game, I had some fun :)

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made me laugh, even though the game is pretty short. Nice idea, could have been a bit more

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Most ambitious entry.

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Well, you wrote a game to the theme so that's something, and it was playable.

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Made me smile -> you received grace !

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This is not a game at all

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My guilt is always infinite!