PyWeek - TLG - feedback

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3 4 3

The game is pretty cool but it devolves a bit to just either driving in-between lanes or being
patient. It might be better to reduce traffic so the player can maneuver around more and also
remove the space in-between cars. I think this has the potential to be pretty fun though.
Production-wise, the game definitely looks good. I appreciate the progression system.
Overall, nice work!

3 4 3

The unskippable death is a little annoying, given how easy it is to die. Apart from that, this is
a cool game.

3 4 3

Good use of the theme. It was a pretty good challenge level, with some tense moments. Is there a
way to rack up miles faster? As far as I can tell, even if I could peg out the speedometer, it would
take hours to unlock most of the cars in the game.

1 1 1 yes

OSX Python 2.7: File
"/Users/john/Documents/python/pyweek22/outta-my-lane/data/", line 222, in
load_all_sfx effects[name] = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(directory, fx)) MemoryError
OSX Python 3.5: File
"/Users/john/Documents/python/pyweek22/outta-my-lane/data/", line 222, in
load_all_sfx effects[name] = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(directory, fx))
pygame.error: Unable to open file 'resources/sound/ambulance.ogg'

3 3 3

I like the idea and, in particular, the large choice of vehicles. Unfortunately, the goals are
not clear ; what is the final objective ? What do I loose ? However, the most frustrating is the 1
touch = 1 accident mechanism ^^

3 3 3

OK game. Connection to the theme is weak, and the gameplay could use more variety, but the
basics are solid.

2 3 4

Crashes with memory error when loading (while loading sounds). Had to swap lines 11 and 12 in to initialize pygame before mixer, then works fine (running on osx, pygame
1.9.2). Kinda fun: seemed like my odometer was clocking up fast but then my miles available to
spend were much less than this? Did I miss something here? Also, accelerating and braking is
very slow, but maybe it’s different in the sportscar?

3 2 4

A fun little game. I liked the integration of the miles travelled into the selection of which
cars you could drive. I think the car acceleration and deceleration should be more
responsive. It seemed that this gets better with better vehicles but braking should be
quicker. I wasn't sure if the horn is having any effect. I was a bit hard to tell if the other
vehicles were doing anything other than randomly moving. Overall I like the concept and it is
fun to play, just needs a better feel to the car physics.

3 4 3

nice try, but somehow I got bored, one could adjust the speed and just let it run for hours (ok, I
did not), there was no urge to rush through...

1 1 1 yes

File "/Local/Games/PyWeek22/OuttaMyLane/outta-my-lane/data/", line 222, in
load_all_sfx effects[name] = pg.mixer.Sound(os.path.join(directory, fx)) MemoryError

3 3 3

Great sounds effects and it is fun to crash.

2 3 3

Generally well made.

3 4 3

Nicely done. What is here is solid. The first pile up made me laugh.

It became obvious quickly, though, that the game was too long for the lack of variety. Maybe you
had bigger plans, and that's okay. I just would have preferred a game I could play and progress
and finish. Perhaps a choice of mini or long haul game modes would have been a good compromise.

Also, I wanted more holes through the traffic so I could get up some speed and go for it. :) I liked
the congestion, but I couldn't get through it.

Save games: nice! And I could easily hack the json to try other cars and...the biker! :)

Overall a smooth, delightful little game. Thanks.

5 4 5

It is quite realistic, I can meet the same scenario every day ^ v ^ so usually I ride bicycle go to
work. As the designer said, you should keep the speed around 40 ~ 60, or the behind car will hit
you or your braker failure to hit the car ahead. so be patient, it is an addicted game. Great