PyWeek - TeamVinciblePlaceholder - feedback

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3 3 3

Good remake of asteroid!

1 1 1 yes

Couldn't get past the title screen.

2 2 2

no sound, tiny graphics but nice

2 3 3

VCS systems are good. Having, & in your uploaded entry is less so.

The ship was a bit hard to spot against the background - either a larger sprite or brighter
colours would have helped.

The point of the game was a bit unclear - better docs or an intro screen would have helped.

I managed to fly off the edge of the universe, which was a rather confusing experience.

1 2 1

health display is wrong, and you can continue shooting after you die

3 3 2

ah, old good asteroids! it's a shame all assets could not make it to the final game. i wish
control was more seamless, so i could press-and-hold instead
press-and-press-and-press-and... dim the stars on the background and it will look more

3 4 2

The controls were a little frustrating.

2 3 2

A bit more time and you could have had a nice little game! Good effort though.

2 2 2

It definitely sounds like you were too ambitious here. It would have been a good idea to spend
more time on polishing what you have, but hindsight is 20/20, and at least you got something
playable! This game has pretty severe performance issues on my computer, running around
1-2fps by the look of it. My computer is pretty slow to be sure, but based on the look of the game it
shouldn't be *that* slow.

3 2 3

Reasonable game design, implementation needs a lot of work.

Once I figured out how run the game, I had to wait nearly half a minute for the start screen to
appear. Looking at the code, most of this time is spent creating five thousand collectibles,
loading five images each time. In the future, you should load each image once and then refer to
the loaded object each time instead of loading whenever you need a copy. Just modifying your
code to do that made startup almost instantaneous.

You should also look into using a revision control system instead of leaving copies of old
versions of your game lying around with different filenames. ("git" is quite popular these
days and I'm sure it won't be hard to find a good tutorial or graphical interface for it.)

2 2 1

Very nice graphics, but having to repeatedly press keys to fire bullets, turn and accelerate
made me very sad.

2 2 2

Didn't really incorporate 8-bit into the theme or the style. At least it ran!

1 2 2 yes

I'm admittedly a little harsh on top-down 2d space games, but this entry had some serious
issues. Foremost is the controls, you need to be able to turn/accelerate by holding the button
down, not repeatedly pressing it. The star field background had too many stars, and though I
like the inertial response when hitting an asteroid, the direction that they pushed me in was
locked to my current heading. All that aside, I really couldn't tell how the theme was applied
here. It wasn't even really 8-bit artwork, not that having 8-bit artwork means applying the

2 2 2 yes

Not much to say, it's a good start based in the Asteroids idea, but it should add more components
to the gameplay. Sound could help to make it more interesting. I can't see how it relates to the
theme, so I'm voting DQ :(

2 3 2

not finished, but the asteroids kill you in very random way.

2 3 2

It was ok. Wish I could shoot stuff.

2 2 2

Looking through the assets and reading your diary entries, it looks like this game has a lot of
potential, but as it is now, there's just not a lot to it. I flew around, shot some asteroids,
collected some shiny green things, and died and found that I was able to keep shooting things,
like some sort of ghost haunting the same spot in space where I died, shooting asteroids

2 2 2

Sorry to rate you so poorly, but you did a pretty alright at an asteroids clone. It's just that I
didn't have fun, it wasn't novel, and it wasn't that well produced. Sorry.