Title Game

CyberCop 2031

  • About:
You are a policeman in a small city with the duty to find four criminals, explore the city and find the criminals.

  • Requiriments:

Python 3.7.3

pygame 2.0.0

numpy 1.16.3

* Not sure if the version of Python or numpy affect, only tested in these versions.

* The version of pygame it is important, if you use a older version delete the function in vehicle.py 'carCrash' and change the name of 'carCrash2' to 'carCrash'.

  • How to Play:

w: Move up

a: Move left

s: Move right

d: Move down

e: Interact with people

f: Get in/out the car

ESCAPE: Go to menu

SPACE: Next text message

ARROWS: Select option in the menu.

  • Guide:

You can guide yourself with the map that is in the Spoilers folder in Images.

Also here is a game play of the game:


The first thing you should do is go with your neighbor on the left, to get the car keys and thus be able to move faster, if you go back to your wife, she will tell you to go to the police station, there they will give you your uniform and the mission to find the four criminals.

The first criminal is the Racer, who skips the red lights, this one is just below the police station.

The second criminal is your other neighbor, who committed the great outrage of using Python 2 instead of Python 3 for pyweek.

The third criminal will be in the bank.

The last criminal is the drunk, he is in the bar, you must go on foot, since the car does not fit through the alleys. You will have to talk to him several times to convince him to go to the police station.

With all the criminals locked up, you can return to the police station where all the criminals will be and they will congratulate you on a job well done.

Finally, you can return to your wife who will also congratulate you.

  • Sound and Music

Alls the sound effects and music are from: https://mixkit.co/


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.1
Fun: 2.8
Production: 3
Innovation: 3.5

20% respondents marked the game as not working.
Respondents: 8


File Uploader Date
Final Game v 2.0 (Windows Executable)
RicBin 2021/04/04 08:37
Title Game
RicBin 2021/04/04 07:10
Final Game v 2.0
RicBin 2021/04/04 07:06
Final Game v 1.0
RicBin 2021/04/03 15:58

Diary Entries

A very fun week

I managed to make this week very productive and achieve a semi-complete video game, it is not what I imagined at the beginning, but I am happy with the end result.

If I would like to mention two things about the game, at first, I wanted to make a gta-type rpg, so it occurred to me to make it cyberpunk, hence the name CyberCop 2031, in the end I did not manage to make this connection very well, it is one of those things that they were left out due to the time.

The other thing would be that in the game I made a joke about the use of python 2, this was because in pyweek 25 I used Python 2 and from the comments many pointed out that I should change to python 3, so I felt that I had committed a crime at the moment.


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