PyWeek - PyWorld - feedback

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4 4 4

4 4 3

3 3 3 yes

I may be having an issue with Box2D. I'm on Ubuntu. Here's the traceback I get:<pre>Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in &lt;module>
import Icarus.main
File "PyWorld/FlightOfIcarus_PyWorld/Icarus/", line 10, in &lt;module>
import Box2D
File "PyWorld/FlightOfIcarus_PyWorld/Box2D/", line 23, in &lt;module>
from Box2D import *
File "PyWorld/FlightOfIcarus_PyWorld/Box2D/", line 43, in &lt;module>
_Box2D = swig_import_helper()
File "PyWorld/FlightOfIcarus_PyWorld/Box2D/", line 41, in swig_import_helper
if fp is not None: fp.close()
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fp' referenced before assignment</pre>

2 3 3

Annoying choice of control layout.

4 4 4

Cool :) Controls were a bit annoying but there was a point in that I guess :) Liked the graphics too.

2 3 1

The game got hard and frustrating once I reached the fires.. after the first one I didn't manage to get past any more :(

2 4 3

Well made in general.

Sprites are too small (e.g., can't see the bullets).
Too easy to get burnt by the fire.
Too annoying to fight air current (it takes too long to get past).

3 3 4

Having the feathers blown around by the wind is a neat idea.

3 4 4

I like the animations :) - Fire was a bit too sensitive and the collision detection for "head-hits-ceiling/wall" were a bit to harsh - but nevertheless: good game!

3 3 3

Enjoyable, but quite short. I like the basic idea and the implementation too. It does not elaborate much on the basic premise and the art is basic (but nothing to complain about), thus the medium ratings. But it's a game I would have gladly played a few more levels of (in the hopes that they would introduce new gameplay elements as well).

3 3 3

Needs tweaks in controllability.<br>
By example too much recoil when touching wall , or the fact that to move left or right you need to do an up, which is too big.

3 1 3 yes

needs Box2D... :/

3 4 4

cool game, I loved the idea of using the birds as shields.

4 3 3

very good

4 4 3

Very good game. The only thing that bothered me was that when you get burned by fire and lose your feathers, these feathers hang rather low over the fire. So if you pick them up (and you do need to pick them up to get past that fire) you'll probably get burned again and lose even more feathers.

3 3 3

Not a bad game, but not really great either.

It relies too much on delicate control and precise reflex for my taste. The first fire was annoying, the next was impassable for several minutes before I gave up when one of my feathers got stuck in the rock below the fire.

3 3 4

Cool flapping mechanic. Airflow idea is cool. Game play in tiny tunnel after initial cave a bit frustrating.

1 1 1 yes

$ python

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in <module>
import Icarus.main
File "/home/flan/Desktop/pyweek-9-all/PyWorld/FlightOfIcarus_PyWorld/Icarus/", line 10, in <module>
import Box2D
File "/home/flan/Desktop/pyweek-9-all/PyWorld/FlightOfIcarus_PyWorld/Box2D/", line 23, in <module>
from Box2D import *
File "/home/flan/Desktop/pyweek-9-all/PyWorld/FlightOfIcarus_PyWorld/Box2D/", line 43, in <module>
_Box2D = swig_import_helper()
File "/home/flan/Desktop/pyweek-9-all/PyWorld/FlightOfIcarus_PyWorld/Box2D/", line 41, in swig_import_helper
if fp is not None: fp.close()
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fp' referenced before assignment

5 5 4

This entry was fantastic. Framerate, level design, collision, character movement. This game was fantastic.

3 4 3

Good job, controls are a little annoying but the style and game are solid!

3 4 4

Nice game!
I like the levels: birds, wind, feathers, and the physics was well used.
Also the graphics are pretty good.
I would have been nice to add 2 or 3 more levels, and perhaps a "boss" in the final level.