PyWeek - GD-32 - feedback

Fun 1 Prod 2 Inno 3


None of this really made any sense. I followed the walkthrough and it still didn't make sense. Why does the truck disappear when I use the crowbar on it?

There's an opening dialogue which is completely incomprehensible. Who is Mario Gordon, why is the clock talking, why is the belt talking? The storytelling here is just missing all of the context needed to make sense of what is going on, let alone give the player hints on how to proceed. The interface doesn't indicate operations that are successful differently to operations that fail, it's the same sound.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


Had to use all of the hints. Really had no idea what was going on without them.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


This looks very well made but I was so confused in this game. At first I didn't know you could combine items, and even when I did I didn't understand why I am combining these items. I didn't understand why using the crowbar on the truck made it disappear, or using the wrench-mushroom on the papers made them disappear. Not sure if something was supposed to pop up? I'm probably playing this wrong. I ended up giving up, but otherwise this looked cool.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 3


I really like the idea of a point-and-click game where you have to do things in just the right order to make the timing work out. I just wish it was a little more logical I guess? I know the story was supposed to be absurd, but for instance which tools worked on which targets seemed pretty arbitrary. I know games like this often involve some lateral thinking, but for me every step was just trying everything until something worked. I definitely appreciate the walkthrough; I would not have finished or understood the game without it. I liked the voice synthesizer you used. It came out much better than I've ever been able to get. Good graphics and well done interface.

Fun 3 Prod 4 Inno 4


I really loved the artwork and production values for the game: I was hopelessly confused by the plot, but still found it entertaining none the less :) ... after clicking randomly for a long time I had managed to get to Ted, but had to resort to spoilers to get further :)

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 3


Great Images.

Fun 4 Prod 5 Inno 4


This is my kind of game, but combining a mushroom with the wrench, I never saw it coming.

I like the mechanics of the game.

The art is good and the game is very well done.