Main Screen - Level Selection

Devoid of Responsibility

Our last entry was under SnV and we've switched up our team a bit this time. Due to the timing of the competition (start of the school year) a lot of our members are unavalible or on very reduced time. We're taking a much more relaxed approach and hope everything turns out well.


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Ratings (show detail)

Overall: 3.4
Fun: 3.3
Production: 3.8
Innovation: 3.0

Respondents: 37


File Uploader Date
mac os x .app
rtm1 2006/09/10 00:32
Final Win32 exe build.
erik 2006/09/10 00:25
Shadow Runners Final Entry
Jay 2006/09/10 00:14
Main Screen - Level Selection
Jay 2006/09/09 22:27

Diary Entries


First off, if you have any comments about our game, feel free to leave them here. Any and all feedback is appreciated. Second, the OS X binary we uploaded, even though it says it's universial, really isn't and is intel only. Sorry about that. Anyways, onto the thoughts and discussion!

I'm happy the way our game turned out, but I know it could've been much much better. With the cometition timed as it is, a lot of the people we had doing assets, playtesting, and the like last time were unavailible. I myself work at a University and it was on during the first week so I didn't get much done.

A lot of our stuff is taken from creative commons or other equally free licensed areas. This helped us out a lot and made our game seem a lot more polished than when we had arrows for ships. In all honesty, I liked the idea of having our own stuff in game. But we just couldn't do that and code all we wanted to. If I haven't mentioned yet how much I hate trig, and more to the point trig that only works in one quadrant, consider yourself lucky ;)

We all suffered from a fair lack of motivation and didn't put in near as much effort as we did our last game. All of us were very busy at work and that just didn't translate well. I also started playing WoW the week before and that may have had some small effect, but I doubt it. We could have benifted from more levels, but I feel we have enough in there to give a sense of what the engine is capable of and to leave the player with an idea of what we wanted to do.

The code itself started out very much all over the place and over time grew tighter and tighter. Our final entry felt very polished. There were very few hacks and several places where our elegance and cleverness made us giggle with mirth. Thankfully we never had to debug those. That would've been hell. Of course, the final verdict on how we did is up to the masses.

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Shadow Runner Hints

Just reading over some of the comments about our game and there seems to be a few common negative points brought up. All are fair. One comment I'd like to address is that the game is impossibly hard once you're out of training mode.

You cannot engage any enemy one on one. Every single one is more powerful than you and in a straight shootout you will be annihilated with extreme prejudice. Best tip is to know is that you are not Klingons. You can still shoot while cloaked.

Hope this improves the enjoyment of our game :)

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