PyWeek - PixelFlower - feedback

Fun Prod Inno Disq N/W Comments
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More variation in the encounter text would've been good.

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no python source!!! no sound

1 1 1 yes

Not packaged for Linux. No source link.

1 1 2 yes

Entry does not include source code as required here:

Would have Failed to run had I not had Wine installed on my system, another reason to include

Boring gameplay,

1 1 1 yes

Disqualified because no source was provided.

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Repetitive, could use a bit of gfx

1 1 1 yes

No source - could not run on my platform.

1 1 1 yes

I got "Long_Walk_Rough_drft.exe is not valid Win32 application." error when I tried to run
the game, I'm using Windows XP 32bit.

1 1 1

Next time add more graphics. Game is nice, but needs some visuals.

1 1 1 yes

There's no source code.

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It kept nicely to the theme. A few bugs, but nothing which stopped me playing. Nice simple
concept. However for a presentation which is all about story-telling, there was very little
story. It wouldn't have taken much to vary the texts for the same encounters, which were
repetitive. Any working game is a success!

1 1 1 yes

no sources or Linux binaries.

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The game works but it's very boring and not appealing at all. In my opinion more colours would be
a great improvement for this game. After one minute i stop to read the texts (sorry!) and just
choose randomly what i have to do (sadly even before it doesn't seem to me I have a real control of
the game).