PyWeek - 9th letter - feedback

Fun 2 Prod 4 Inno 3


I read the readme but still got the feeling in the game that I didn't know what I'm doing.
Thanks for your time.

Did not work


Unfortunately the game kept crashing for me in the battle. I got a couple different errors. One was on src/misc/views/ line 96, in general_setup: sprite_unit.attack = NUMBER_CORRESPONDENCE_FOR_UNITS[i][0] (KeyError: 6). I had a bit of trouble with the interface. It wasn't clear to me when my actions went through properly. Sometimes clicking on Map didn't do anything. When I did get into battle, whenever I clicked Next Turn, it would end the battle immediately and drop me back to my city map. I don't know whether I won or lost or there was a bug. Looks like a cool idea but I'm not confident that my setup is running the game properly.

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 2


Really good effort, you must have worked really hard. I was interested in seeing what would happen next but I am not great at this so I probably missed out on some content. Balancing this kind of stuff is quite tricky. The graphics weren't great but definitely got the job done. Good job!

Fun 1 Prod 2 Inno 2


This game looked like it could be interesting, but I had no idea what I was doing - and would either just run out of gold, or when I tried to assign population or assign soldiers I would hit bugs and the game would crash with key errors.

Fun 2 Prod 4 Inno 3


It seems to be well programmed, but the game is difficult to understand.

Fun 1 Prod 3 Inno 3


This game is very glitchy. It does not respond when I click things sometimes. There are a bunch of error messages in the terminal.

This is the one that keeps coming up.
line 542, in on_mouse_press
if int(self.text_list[i + 1].text[0]) > 0 and (center_x, center_y) not in self.occupied_places:
IndexError: list index out of range

When I try to run the game in python 3.9, I get this error ImportError: cannot import name 'UIMouseDragEvent' from 'arcade.gui' (/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/arcade/gui/ So, I ran it in 3.8.8 which worked but had the list index out of range error

Fun 1 Prod 3 Inno 3


Really like the graphics, the bgm was nice too

I just find much in the gameplay, was I looking at the enemies during the battles? How do I place my troops? What damage/winning chances did I ever have?

My capital kept staying capped at 1418 pop, I never found a way to increase happiness. I couldn't win battles (most probably didn't know how to place units?) except via cheating using 'w'

Note: Was getting errors when trying to assign cavalry

line 180, in _on_click_save_button_manage_army
self.manage_army_input_box_list[-3].text =
AttributeError: can't set attribute 'text'

Fun 3 Prod 3 Inno 1


Okay, but it didn't go well for me