second day - an Engine for the NPCs .. more or less

The Engine for the NPCs is there now:
    - it can move,
    - hit the wall ( and react),
    - has some looks to choose from,
    - can change the looks depending on the state ( standing, walking, ..),
    There are some managing classes, to take care of some NPC stuff... ( like images to be loaded, size ratios, animation frames, position, wall detection,....):
        - the "Cloth" class // for all the clothes of an NPC
        - the "walker" class // for walking throu the game

There is a beginning of a manager (that is there for):
    - NPCs don't just walk into each other ( in some way ..),
    - NPCs will be stoppable from outside (= the user),

There is a Vector class... // we made it rather simple... not much to say...