Day 1

This time, I didn't miss the announcement, so that's cool.

I wanted to do a sort of endless shooter type game, like Galaga, which works great with the theme "cops".
Here's my idea:
You play as a cop, trying to get as many donuts as possible. However, criminals (or ninjas? idk) are guarding the donut, and they have guns.
You have to kill all the criminals and get all the donuts. When you do that, it goes to the next level/difficulty.

The first thing I did was to start the project, create a venv and a GitHub repo and all that. Once that was done, I made a window appear.

After that, I created a player sprite and added the ability to move it with the keyboard. I also made it point to the mouse's location.

Third, I added the ability to shoot bullets. This was done by listening for a click, calculating the angle between the player and the mouse, and then sending another sprite towards the x and y of where you clicked.

Finally, I created a mechanism to place walls randomly around the map, and created simple collision mechanisms.

Super excited to be doing PyWeek!