Day 6 - time to boost

I fixed another silly but very annoying bug.
I can now make real work.
Few hours in the night, i am tired but happy to struggle.
My cup of coffee helps me.

I am not used with python 2 and renpy's pseudo python. It's really disturbing.
I hope i will have a genius lightning.

Working in competitive but friendly goal is very stimulating.

I've got few hours to concretize ultimate ideas, after i have to clean hard. And to ship it not to much dirty.

I hope just one thing : even if it's not playable currently, to give it a chance to live and growth after because i really think it got a playful potential.
It's really possible to introduce arcade, tactic, strategic and rpg in it, with pseudo-historical bonus.

You are right, i'm trying to seduce you to work on it, to fork it, to show it, to share it.
Be tolerant tomorrow with my "skill and abilities". I hope not to disappoint to much.

to be forgiven :


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Do not worry, be happy! I finally packaged my game by ex_Freeze, thank you!